Adding the 4th "R"
We’ve heard of reduce, reuse, and recycle. While they’re all key in our quest towards a greener future, there’s another way we can make a difference across Canada.
And that difference is rescue.
We're here to help with tips and tricks for reducing food waste. Whether that’s making a marinade from pickle juice or finding a place for the flavourful cheese rind in your soups, these suggestions can help you use up every part of the products you buy.
Our tips are here to help you make your food go further and become a food rescuer at home! So, join in the conversation and share your Food Rescue tips on social media using #FoodRescue.

Don't know what to do with your broccoli stems?
Working together to help reduce food waste
At Foodland, we believe in taking care of our community, and part of that means taking care of our environment as well. Broccoli stems are often overlooked – but can add a tasty crunch to salads or a bonus flavour to your smoothies. Check out some of the thoughtful ways you can use broccoli stems to help reduce waste.
Rescue every scrap of food.
10 Ways to Rescue Food at Home
Click a tip that interests you to find out more about food rescue from fridge to pantry!
Together, We Can Do OurPart™ to Rescue Food
At Foodland, we are a family nurturing families. Meaning we're committed to doing OurPart™ to rescue food; to help prevent food waste and help redirect food surplus to communities across Canada who experience food insecurity.
And there’s so much to share, whether it’s keeping the rind for later or reorganizing the fridge: using our tips and tricks can help extend the life of food. So, discover our food rescue tips below and join #FoodRescue movement.
Click an icon to find out how you can rescue any food at home!
Waste Reduction Week in Canada
Every year, in the third week of October, we come together in celebration of the year-long efforts for working towards a greener tomorrow.
This year, it’s even bigger. We added the 4th "R" and celebrated over 20 years of reducing 2.2 million tonnes of avoidable food waste with Waste Reduction Week in Canada. And it’s here we learn just how to make our food go further. So, we’re redirecting food otherwise wasted and helping make a difference with food rescue.

Food Rescue Partners!
We've partnered with Joy from @joyoushealth to show how we can all make Food Rescue our mission and to share tips on how to prevent food from rotting in our fridge and ending up in a compost bin.
One of my top food rescue tips and tricks? Store unused ripe avocados in the freezer - great for smoothies!.
- Joy

Food Rescue Partners!
We're also working with @aimeebourque to introduce the 4th “R” - reduce, reuse, recycle, RESCUE! Join Aimee in becoming a Food Rescuer and follow along as she shares simple, conscientious actions that can make a remarkable difference to reduce food waste, save money and help the environment.
Rescue limp produce like carrots, radishes or celery by soaking them in ice water. Oh and scrub your root vegetables instead of peeling! You’ll add more fiber and nutrients to your diet. I also love to regrow veggie scraps.
- Aimee

Our Partnership with Second Harvest
Foodland is partnered with Canada’s biggest food rescue organization. Because we're always working towards making a bigger impact on the way we address household waste.
Second Harvest is a global thought leader working with businesses at every part of the food chain to make sure food is not lost or wasted. Together, our food rescue programs will help to decrease the amount of avoidable waste going to landfill. Plus, we'll be helping to feed those in need across Canada.