Turn points into
Free groceries
Fill your cart with points thanks to our everyday in-store product offers.
More ways
to earn points
Take advantage of digital exclusives and personalized offers loaded in the opp or mygroceryoffers.ca
Members only pricing
Save on your weekly grocery run with exclusive member pricing.
Earn 2X the
scene+ points
Get 2 Scene+ points on every $1 spent with your Scotiabank Scene+ Visa Card.
So many ways to reward yourself.
From shopping to travel to movies and dining learn where else you can earn and redeem points.

Want more rewards? It's easy.
Step 2: Link your Scene+ card
Unlock exclusive member benefits by linking your Scene+ card to your Foodland account.
Turn points
into groceries
1000 Points = $10 Toward your groceries
More ways
to earn
Everyday offers and weekly promotional events to boost your points.
Members only
Get member pricing in-store and personalized offers at MyGroceryOffers.ca
or online
Earn and redeem points for groceries in-store or online with Voilà by Sobeys.
Earn 2X Scene+ Points
With a Scotiabank® Scene+™ Visa* at participating grocery stores. Conditions apply
So many ways to reward yourself
From shopping to travel to movies and dining, learn where else you can earn and redeem points.
The Scene+ Loyalty Program is available at all participating Foodland locations in Canada. No base Scene+ points earned. See weekly offers for current ways to earn Scene+ points and visit https://www.sceneplus.ca/terms-and-conditions to see full Terms and Conditions. All weekly Scene+ offers exclude taxes, delivery charges, bill payments, service fees, rental fees, event tickets, gift cards, fluid dairy products in Atlantic regions, pre-paid cards, postal products and services, McCafe®/Tim Hortons®/Starbucks® products and services in select regions, prescription drugs, non-prescription pharmacy services, liquor and alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, lottery, photo finishing, deposits, environmental charges, fuel and other goods and services which are non-discountable or excluded by law. Redeem 1,000 Scene+ for $10 towards your purchase up to a maximum of 50,000 Scene+ points (equivalent to $500) per day. For full Scene+ Terms & Conditions or to redeem your points, visit https://www.sceneplus.ca/terms-and-conditions. All offers are subject to change and may be withdrawn without notice. Trademarks of Scene Plus IP Corporation used under license by Sobeys Capital Incorporated.